"Tamago" was taken. The 0 makes me quirky!
Hey! I'm Tamago! I like drawing whatever captures my interest. Character design is my passion. Hope to have a good time here.
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Age 21

Joined on 3/30/21

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I've been doing too much travelling! I'm in Florida right now!! I started typing this on the train on WEDNESDAY!!! I'm TIRED!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, I'm settled now. Recap time I guess. Yappuccino incoming

The week prior to TMG, I went hiking with @coby and @BrandyBuizel. I sit on my ass all day so hiking isn't really. my thing. But I DID IT and I DIDN'T DIE IN THE WOODS so that's worth celebrating? I guess!!!!!??????


I'm very afraid of heights. This wasn't even the peak. Sick view tho

I never got out much until recently. Plus I'm more of a swimmer than anything else so for like half the year I don't really get to do anything LOL. But again, I can probably list this as an accomplishment, especially for baby's first hike.

I do feel super embarrassed about the fact I kept having to make frequent stops because my weak little legs weren't used to four hours of climbing. Aha. Haha. I still feel like a burden for slowing us down u_u

But hanging with the boys is always good, we got ice cream after ^^

And then, TooManyGames........ I made a huge fuss about not being able to come because I was planning to go to Florida before the day of the con, but then things happened and I ended up being able to go after all, yay.

BIG thank you to @Teethtesty for the ticket ^^

I got lost around the con so once again I was late. What if I killed myse

I found everyone eventually though aaaaaa, ran in grabbed stickers grabbed a couple posters said haiiii got some autographs signed some things, the usual.

I know @YendorNG did like a little interview and I was a camerashy mess that didn't know how to decline so I was awkward as fuck and I kept fumbling and bumping the mic and I feel SO bad about that akjshjkahskhdk

Got a pack of trading cards and whaddya know, nabbed the elusive @TomFulp card. Got it signed too~


This is definitely one of the shrigma moments of all time.

After the NG Meetup time was over I wandered around with @disconnecty tailing me :V

I was waiting for the AVGN meet n greet but then the line was capped so I missed that too AHKJAHS but it's okay. I have an absolutely abysmal sense of direction so I wasted time wandering around the place in circles before actually finding the area James was supposed to be. That's my fault. Eto blehhh

I'm so happy I was able to meet @ricksteubens @manlypotato and @Bleak-Creep especially! @praise-bob says hi, she's super jelly

One day we'll get her up here I swear to GOD

I was happy to see @Kekiiro too!!! Thank you for the yummy stickers I eated them because I love them so much

Seeing @DoobusGoobus was a surprise, who invited my man blud

I'm JK it was cool to see u too dude

Went to the Perky again, got me a borger. Yum. Squeezed into a table with Coby, Brandy, @kastozx, @MisMash, and @IvanAlmighty

After that, back to TMG for a bit, chatted with some fellas before leaving. Stopped at Wawa for a bit, there Coby gave me an album of every trading card from Pico Day! Rendering the previous victory kind of moot but hey, I still have the autographed one >:)


Saturday I went to NYC, not for Newgrounds-related reasons though gomennn

Idk if we have any OSC people in the audience, but they were having a BFDI/II event over there, and a dear friend I've known for a whole decade now was in attendance. He lives all the way in Southeast Asia, so of course I had to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet him in person!

...Idk why I'm being vague about it. He's katyj98 on YouTube, and hopefully I've convinced him to join NG :P We'll see, we'll see...

Sunday, another hour and a half long drive right back to Pennsylvania. Because I love to torture myself. But for good reason:


I'd been very annoying about wanting to visit the Newgrounds Office, and now that dream has come true. And I can finally stop being annoying about it. HOORAY

I wish.. I was more social. I can say hai ^_^ and greet people and all that but I'm not great at carrying convos with people I'm not 10000000% comfortable with.. anxiety thing probably idk. I tended to stay in a spot and eavesdrop, I think. That or scurry around to another spot like a little mouse. Ahaha.

I'll drop the signature haul here :P


I also got cards doodled on :P


At the end of the night, a group of us went to Wawa before going our separate ways. And I hit the jackpot.


They're besties.

I was,, very apprehensive about asking about the coveted Tankman figure. Because I'm already scared of annoying people despite doing that all the time anyway, and I didn't want to bother Tom too much ahdhjskd

But you miss 100% of the shots you don't take or something. So I did that, and I had already prepared for him to decline, but here we are!!!!????

Thank you so much twinsieeee~ This is leagues better than a ball! I'll never ask for anything ever again.


So, uhhhhh

Normally I have pics of STICKERS and GOODIES but because I had to start preparing for Florida like immediately after I got home I didn't get a chance to lay everything out for a pic. aaaaa gomennnnasorryyyyyyy I do appreciate them all!!!!!!!!

So... Shoutouts! Woohoo

@Dungeonation @CaptainStevie @RavioliBox @kiyo @Cortat-G @GirZiggler @squidly @DAMOCHINE @LeviRamirez @Bill @Slimygoo (who I missed, again,) @MechanicalMantis @seven @KingCrowned (ty for the wooden Thing and Gooble and also Kangaskhan) @ErasmusMagnus @BeefyThunder @Figburn @PieLordCollin @PsychoGoldfish (missed you too AAAHHH) @Spinalpalm @NickSenny @ForgeFrog @Broly @ConnorGrail @DeuceLeGoose @Imprez @Chourios @MalFromed @EugeneDoesArt @starscribbling @AniSlug @MKMaffo

Tried tagging everyone I at least said hi to but agsjagjhjks my brain's been especially scrambled as of late ;-;

If I'm forgetting anybody please hit me over the head, thank you

I know Wildwood is happening but I can't make it :( Gomen :(( I'll never get to Attack marbar at this rate >:(

If I don't attend anything else this year, I hope the next is even more grand. Yippee

Now, I think it's time I finally stfu!!!!!!


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