"Tamago" was taken. The 0 makes me quirky!
Hey! I'm Tamago! I like drawing whatever captures my interest. Character design is my passion. Hope to have a good time here.
Art trades & commissions're open ;]

Age 21

Joined on 3/30/21

Exp Points:
9,044 / 9,340
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7.06 votes
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Tamag0's News

Posted by Tamag0 - December 31st, 2023


Hi :V

Feels weird typing "normal"(i.e., capitalizing my sentences). I only really do this in formal settings, when I'm not doing the "silly little critter" schtick. Maybe I'll drop it later.

...Is it a year-in-review thing? I don't really know. I just know I've seen a couple posts and wanted to do my own, because I am a SHEEP that must follow the crowd. Or something.

I dunno, usually I'd say "I don't got a lot to say" and then vomit up the most incomprehensible word salad you've ever seen that amounts to a whole lot of NOTHING so.

We'll start off with the art summary so the pretty colors can keep you engaged hopefully:


I'm upset I missed a month but said month was dedicated to finally (re)starting my passion project, so it evens out I guess?

Now onto the sob story. I've never had a good sense of time so the year feels like a mishmash of two or three years. Where am I.

I'm not sure I had a good start. I started college, against my will, really, so the first half of the year was miserable and stressful because I had to move to Jersey and not take any of the classes I wanted to take, because nothing was really planned besides "you're gonna come up here and attend uni you useless piece of shit".

It was either that or finding a job. So I applied to jobs and none of them wanted me. And instead of waiting a little bit to get everything in order I had to go NOW RIGHT NOW because the start of the semester was mere days away.

I did get a job, for a little bit, but when you're Me and your parent doesn't believe in your Very Real Social Anxiety Problem a cashier position isn't very fun. Especially in the area I was in.

So that was stressful and it sucked and I failed math and honestly? I didn't think it'd get any better. I'd just have to survive for as long as I'm stuck up here, without any friends or anything to really Do besides go to school and fend off the thoughts about wishing I was either Dead or someone else entirely: someone that had their life together, someone that could function in society, someone that wasn't a fucking disappointment waste of space.

And that was the cycle for a long, long while. I'd draw because that's the only thing I knew I was... okay at. And it helped, I guess, it served as comfort. That and my online friends. But I was still lonely.

But then, TooManyGames happened. And it was in Pennsylvania. I've been to Pennsylvania, bit of a long drive, but I could absolutely make it if I wanted. Probably. Maybe.

The problem is I'm a pathetic little doormat that can barely handle so much as a family gathering. But I wanted to try, because some people I admired were there, and if anything I could at the very least get a selfie or a signature in my sketchbook to flex on my friends with.

Even though I was late to the main event(three-hour drive + heavy rain + traffic +unlucky + L + ratio) I still did get to meet the people I admired, so that was good.

Shoutouts to Tom, Pelo, and the Funkin' Crew in particular... I'm too shy to tag but I just think you guys're super cool and I... idolize...? you, maybe "idolize" is too strong a word but I can't think of a better one at the moment. I was a horrible anxious awkward mess but it meant a lot just, getting to snap silly little selfies. Ehe.

I'm sad I missed the Toronto meetup but I'm still quite new to the whole "going places further than like thirty minutes from the house" thing. Maybe next year...?

Love Me Newgrounds 2 was a thing! What a time. It had been brewing for a long while but it finally released in the summer, so I'll mention it here. Although I didn't contribute as much as I wanted but school and everything else had me fucked UP.

But regardless, getting to unleash that onto the site was fun. Feels good to see a project finished, y'know?

Shoutout to the Newgrounds Summer Festival, I got to animate for the opening again yayaaaay~

I loved seeing the server active again... I love friends...

I owe everything to the folks running the show for giving me such a warm welcome to Newgrounds back in 2021? I know that wasn't TOO long ago but I still cherish the memories. Is that too... sappy? Sorry. I get emotional easy, if it wasn't already obvious.

What else... oh! There was the meetup at Yestercade, and that was really fun ^_^

I'd gotten over some of the nerves by then... Still a bit shy but I did have a good time! So uhhh YAH

Shoutout to @kastozx because I'm still like, genuinely surprised you of all people wanted to hang. I still mourn the near-death of Catboy Dave Sculpture WWWW I'm still so fucking sorry AAAAAAHHH

Shoutouts to @CaptainStevie @dungeonation @cheddarexuberant as well uwu

I was so caught up in the euphoria of Going Outside I also went to DerpyCon to watch Newgrounds cartoons with the Fellas @Imprez @NickSenny @septicsebi @Wegra @disconnecty @studiosnowlion (I think that's everyone? help)

Loved that. Love to hang out again whenever :>

THEN I went to a little convention with @BrandyBuizel !! And I met @coby too, and we tied Brandy up and forced him to watch the FNAF movie with us :D

From there we've been hangin' out pretty regularly... Is it okay if I get sentimental?

I'm a lonely person, and very slowly I think I've started to come out of my shell a little. Maybe not a lot, but I think just, having somewhere to Be and things to Do besides staying at home all day is a huge step up. Social anxiety is a bitch and I still haven't really grasped the concept of "I'm not as insufferable as I think I am and people do want to spend time with me and enjoy my company", but again, just going out on weekends is a huge deal to me. So, thank you, for including me and inviting me out to places to just dick around for a while, it truly means a lot.

I don't really know, who I can call my friends. Because I consider a lot of people my friends, but I don't know who thinks of ME as a friend back, y'know? But hopefully, it's okay, if I can call you guys my friends...


Yeah hahah

Finally, as briefly mentioned under the art summary, I finally started remaking my comic BIRD OF PREY, so I'm proud of myself for that, hehe. I have, many ideas in my head. I hope people enjoy what I conjure up next.

Oh, I also hit 1,000 followers on Twitter and 600 here, so I'll count those as little victories too. Hehe.

So, um, while the year started off kinda shitty, I think things started looking up toward the end. So that's good, I guess.

Hopefully things are good next year. We'll see...

If you made it all the way down here I'd appreciate if you said happy birthday to my little brother, he LOVES newgrounds and he turns 11 tomorrow!!! Thank you ^^



Posted by Tamag0 - October 14th, 2023

you won't mind if i gush about every time i emerge from my little mouse hole to Socialize with people right. going outside is a very big deal for a tiny little tama

big thanks to @brandybuizel for organizing the thing!! yay. you forgot to carry me on your SHOULDERS YOU BITCH but its ok i still love u heart emoji sparkling heart emoji. you're forgiven... for now...

now that i'd experienced a meetup once before the nerves had died down quite a bit, and i felt more comfortable around everyone and free to be Mentally Fucking Ill in public. everyones so chill putting up with my bullshit :)

i dont have many photos this time around... my hands were often occupied by Bob Velseb Plush and/or my giant ass sketchbook and i just Forgot. people kept looking through the sketchbook and i was screaming and crying and begging for them not to look at the Yaoi. they saw sanford madnesscombat's titties.

speaking of sketchbook: the doodle/signature collection!!





thank u all for Vandalizing my pages. this will continue to happen

a lot of us made STICKERS!!!!!!! sticker trade was like, a big part of this event. we love stickies. my laptop is now covered in them, and i have like 50 million extras i still need to figure out what to do with :sob:


i met hatsune miku in The Real...iu_1097529_8874220.webp

got pics with @phantomarcade3k, who towers over me


however he was kind enough to amputate his own legs so i could feel tall for once in my life. i shouldve taken the opportunity to ruffle his hair here but i'm a pussy ass bitch so


got the toomanygames poster so i finally dont feel like a dumb idiot loser anymore


and a chompy from @squidly !!!!!! my sweet baby... his name is Concrete


went out to his car the dark of night and exchanged cash for this Thing he grabbed from the trunk like a drug deal. like this was the absolute shadiest possible way you could buy a plushie. 10/10 would complete plushie transactions like this again

now, a list of fond memories uwu

  • the fucking fourteen year old that was taller than me what the HELL
  • screaming ARIGATOU, TOMOYO after the group photo with the flag, earning me more strange looks from the Normal People that were unfortunate enough to exist in the same space as a newgrounds meetup. and also possibly the newgrounders themselves. im very quirky
  • petting catboy dave sculpture. it is a sacred artifact
  • not as fond of a memory, more like a Trauma, but i almost fucking broke said sculpture but luckily he survived unharmed, if any damage had been done i wouldve like actually killed myself in front of everyone i swear to fucking god
  • seeing dave do the anime ass kitty nya pose
  • @CheddarExuberant and i making our bob velseb plushies kiss
  • not breaking eye contact with the mario painting in the bathroom while pissing
  • playing in the groove and fucking up with the wrong difficulties like twice because we're idiots i guess with @disconnecty. i know you exist now. grips your shoulder through the screen. i also really appreciate your little commentary on my art!! ahhhhh thank you for your Words
  • an intense match of stick hockey where the puck got stuck in an unreachable spot for way longer than it should have. fucked up really. brandy and i won though so >:)
  • @NickSenny getting me addicted to pinball
  • air hockey against brandy, i am very bad at it, i got a 3-point lead and proceeded to fumble so hard i'm so cringefail at everything i do WHY
  • i dropped my fucking pocky. i felt like that one vine

idk how to end this post AHAH

arigathank u all... hope to see everyone again soon!!!!!!!! if not soon then just, at the next ng meetup :D



Posted by Tamag0 - September 25th, 2023

an opportunity to promote myself >:]

really i just wanted to say im super excited!! i like doodling up comics so multi-image support is gonna be so fucking good. still working on bird of prey, but i hope to share more fun stuff with my characters like oneshots ^^

i'd also just like to bump some oldish comix now in the updated format~

(between us: i have ideas for a third shellshocked comic. but idk if it'd be... too dark for people's liking. i like pretending im normal)

ok byee see u next time i feel annoying HEHE


Posted by Tamag0 - June 25th, 2023

i basically did my recap under tom's post but fuck it imma do it AGAIN!!! yay

so. baby's first convention. what a time. had to keep telling people i was tamago but with a zero at the end!! because im cool and original like that. dungeon suggested i ask tom my bestie twinsie ever for the original user but i do like the 0... so i stuck with it :V makes the signature ever so slightly cooler i think

i was only there friday but it was the best goddamn friday istg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i drove like three fucking hours and it started pouring around the halfway mark and i ended up arriving an hour after the main event :sob: they called me up for my dog tag and i wasnt there to claim it ahhh i feel so embarrassed,, but i was thankfully able to grab it after!! sad i missed the posters tho :(

a good chunk of fellas were gone by the time i arrived... im sad i didnt get to meet all of yous!! @Dungeonation especially bc this goober kept thinking other people were me LOLLL theres always next time i guess :0 but i had a blast with the fellas i did meet!

why is everybody so tall btw why cant i get some of that. stop being tall. if i had more confidence i would've asked someone to carry me on their shoulders HAHA

...next time.

anyway!! pictures!!!!!!!!! this is kind of a face reveal wow. i'm just as tiny and pathetic-looking as i've always described <3

first things first i met god (@TomFulp)iu_1004526_8874220.webp

forgot to get a signature but he vanished before i could get over my initial nervousness............ hope to chat with you a bit longer someday, fulp-sama... uwu....

youre gonna see me do the peace sign in all of these bc i genuinely dont know what to do with my hands </3 (maybe i shouldve asked for a hug LOL)

i wandered around a bit tryna find someone to stick to because i shrivel up and die if i'm by myself too long :weary: i kinda just hovered behind groups of ppl for the most part WWWW

maybe i should've tailed brandy...

found @SrPelo in the vinny line. and then i left. and then i found him outside the vinny line later. and then i stared at him from across perkys and had a fun chat w him n some other fellas :) we talked about primos n shid. he pulled out a hannah montana PSP game. i could hear his laugh over all the noise pelo i love u <3


btw thanks for giving me an extra sticker!! my little brother is a HUGE fan of u he's gonna love it

fucking tamers was there i lost my shit dog... tamers12345... he told me to watch sonic underground... u know i will zestie...


was too shy to take photos with a lot of ppl but i wanna quickly shout out some ppl i did say hi to!! fistbumped @BrandyBuizel and @IvanAlmighty so that was neat :3 i was kinda scared of yous but ur actually really nice ^^

brandy, i mean this in a nice not-weird way i swear, but you have a kind face. i wanna say cute but i feel like that sounds weird :sob:

i briefly met @Raviolibox and signed her book! forgot to ask you to sign mine though aaaa ;A;

i saw @emizip around like three times but my dumb ass never said anything to you i regret it so much </3 my brain would go "ENA COSPLAYER!! cool :)" and then i didn't think to like, at least get a picture. fuck dude :weary:

@squidly !!! you!!!!! i signed the chompy plush!!! and then i introduced myself to you again at perky cuz im a fucking dumbass HJKDSHDKJ

@ErasmusMagnus glad i got to meet ya bestieeee had a nice chat at the food court. ur white ass didnt understand me saying "pelo" with the accent and i think that was funny WWWWW i wish u came to perkys... coulda squeezed you in the booth. i'm very small there was def room for one more. there was a "one more" but then they vanished and i have no clue who that was. all clad in a mask n shit. mysterious... anyway

im tryna remember who sat with us back at the food court uhh. i think @elikapika and @thatrozebudguy ? forgive me if im misremembering kdjsfhjk

i did some more wandering around like a scared, lost puppy. did some window shopping bc i gotta save money to get to florida like, next month. i saw someone with a Rei Chiquita™ and asked them if they got it from the con or elsewhere. it took a few seconds but my neurons activated and i realized YOOO THESE R NEWGROUNDERS TOO!! hello again @PieLordColin and @JonMastu :D

later people were meeting up at perkys. i wasnt really planning on going, but i figured it's a very short drive and i could get dinner so why not?

place was packed. very noisy. ouuuughh and i get sensory overload so. kinda scary!!!!! i just kinda loitered around the full table waiting for a space to open up. ended up sharing a booth with @MSGhero, @D-slick and @chourios i believe :0 i have a tendency to mumble so making convo was a little hard since i had to repeat myself but it wasnt all that bad! i did enjoy myself ^^ had a smoked pork cheesesteak. was p good, i kinda wanted to steal one of dslick's wings tho

msghero asked what my favourite sketch in my sketchbook was. i showed him furryutah. i also showed dailycatboydave the furryutah drawing. i regret nothing.

after eating we moved up to where more ppl were n kinda split off into the other groups. i mostly just listened in on other convos www. ivan passed the fuck out for a while lmao

i said bai!!!!! to brandy when he left actually for real but i dont think he heard :sob: i did a big wave n everything fdhsjkh

mr muffin @ninjamuffin99 was there!!! i didnt recognize him until he signed my sketchbook HJKDSHKDJ


he came back from the restroom like "hey i just saw you on twitter lol" n we had a nice lil chat :] i shook his sweaty, sweaty hand and we got a photo together ^^ this is my favourite pic bc of pelo in the back HDJKSHD u can see me laughing... my biggest smile of the night,,,

from there it was more just listening to people talk and getting a couple more signatures before leaving at like. 11:30 ish? sometime after that. i ran into the funkin crew outside! glad i wore the week 7 shirt hehe. and i got a photo with the guys!! @PhantomArcade is holding it hostage tho. dave. bestie. send the pic to me you prommied :( or else im gonna keep annoying you :skull:

(i wont actually im very shy)

update: ty bestie ilu <3 <3 <3 i will never ask for anything ever againiu_1004579_8874220.png

also dave parks worse than me what the FUCK was that bro LMFAO

i shouldve taken a pic of that parking job even after you "fixed it" to blackmail you smhhhhhhhhh

(i kid. i can't be mean or i'll cry)

also getting they/themmed for the first time, in person, by cam of all people, was a really good feeling so im marking that as a W. because of course. im the bitch with blue hair and pronouns.

im out of photos. so now i will post the signatures i got!!!!!! i tagged a number of you already www but i'll mention more below!iu_1004530_8874220.webpiu_1004531_8874220.webpiu_1004532_8874220.webpiu_1004533_8874220.webp

@TheDyingSun (cute robot !!! robots r so cool. i should make more robot characters i have like three) @MrShoeShine7 @moawling @kawaisprite (loved your shirt btw :D )


lastly... im still very giddy EHEHE! so i've been doodling people from memory uwu

all been tagged already im not doing it again loliu_1004534_8874220.webp

dave kinda squints when he smiles i think thats adorable btw

finally. the end of my incessant ramblings. i want to thank everyone again for being so awesome and cool and nice to lil ol me :3 thanks to @Cortat-G for organizing the event in the first place! even tho i didnt get to say hi to you rippp

also thanks to the few kind souls that gave me extra stickers ;w; i'll try not to be late next time HAHA

i hope to see you all again someday!! arigato gozaimaaaaaaaaasssssssssss



Posted by Tamag0 - April 30th, 2023

happy birthday 2 me and my twinsie @TomFulp !! i am another year closer to taking over.

i went to a hibachi grill and saw the mario movie!! wow!!!!!!

i've already posted my Doodle for the day but i wish i wasnt so busy so i could do more 😔 but thats ok i think!!

hope the big man is doing well himself uwu !! have a good one fulp-samaaaaaaa



Posted by Tamag0 - January 20th, 2023

of course it happens during my inactive period

umm HAI!!! its me! im the special boy today! idk if youre really supposed to like. make a post for this but idk ive seen some of my friends do so, so uhhhh

art thingies're gonna be a bit slow for a while. i just started college and idk what the hell im doing so :( im just a little baby tama ouuuhh the world is so cold and hard aaaaaaaaaa

i wish i could say i have BIG EXCITING THINGS but :V

BIRD OF PREY is still in the works, i have a coherent-ish plot ready so now its just a matter of drawing the fucking pages ahshsjjajfjd. the tapas link on my page is the old version n im keeping it there at least until i get this new prologue out. its old and cringe but i think it'll be fun to compare it with the reboot :]

im also a part of a dinky lil collaborative project but i cant really give details on that one publicly so shhh

that's... it, really? uh, commissions are still open and would be greatly appreciated so i can like. buy myself food n shit. i bought a lil sandwich for lunch the other day n the shit was like ten bucks. im a little fetus baby i dont have that kind of money!! what da hell!!!

anyway yeah thank u if u read all this nonsense garbo hehe :D cant wait to fade into obscurity again tomorrow woaaahh

i hope tom gives me a little kith on my

forehead for being the specialest boy



Posted by Tamag0 - December 31st, 2022


what a year huh LOL

ignoring the BULLSHIT that happened to me like losing a car and job and still not going to college like my family expects me to, i sure had A Time

i even added @Praise-bob to my harem and gently persuaded her to join NG HAHAH

while i didn't participate in many projects i still think it'd be good to look back at the small things i did do, i see em sorta like uhh baby steps towards a bigger goal :0

i started the year with a banger, i think :) being able to do a small part of the NEWGROUNDS WINTER FESTIVAL OPENING!! i joined newgrounds in 2021 and the summerfest was right around the corner! there i met so many wonderful people in the community and made some SUPER COOL FRIENDS!!!! YAY

a little while after, the server held a valentines/white day event, where we were split up into teams to create something for said holiday ^^ my team conjured up this silly little animation! some.. bumps in production but we sure did something HAHA!! i still enjoyed workin on it with da fellas ^^

the other teams made some amazing cool games u should check out if u havent!!

as u all know i share a birthday with mr fulp-sama himself so we're basically twinsies! getting a "happy birthday" from him was such a great feeling HJDKGSHJD, if it weren't for pico day usually falling on april 30th i'd totally campaign for a silly funny tam/tom day LOL

and speaking of, for pico day i participated in a fun collab animation! while i wasn't able to go hard with my segment due to time constraints and life being a bitch, i'm still happy with my contribution! and we won $50! wow! the team split the monies n i think most of us just put it back into newgrounds with the supporter status :D

i unfortunately wasn't able to participate in this year's tankfest :( but thats ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!! again while i didn't really do a lot collaboration-wise i hope i can do more in the future :3 if i keep doing what im doing i can only get better and then i'll be able to join the cool peepz doin the COOL THINGS!!!!

so ya!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!



Posted by Tamag0 - August 15th, 2022

um. hi newgrounds

i really hate to do this but, i got into an accident recently. so, the car needs fixin'. most of it's covered, but we're around $1000 short and i'd appreciate any cash to help pay for it.

commission prices below, feel free to dm me on here or twitter. thanks.





Posted by Tamag0 - May 19th, 2022


SUIRIKU'S BDAY YAAAAAAAY idc if hes just a silly cartoon man its his day

happy anniversary of me accidentally making my beloved son boy lollllllll

im too busy to do anything and i dont expect anyone to either but fhjdhgjk i wanna have a lil fun for like 3 seconds


Posted by Tamag0 - April 30th, 2022


but also to me >:]

what a wonderfully funny coincidence we share a birthday! i can pretend this makes me special LOL but YA!!!

i hope mr fulp has a great day!! enjoy ur things :) i will find you. and we will have A Birthday.

jk of course im all the way in florida what can i do u_u anyway YAAAAAHH I HOPE U LIKE THE ART I MADE!!! for both of us hehe
